Rising 2023 Archive
šŸ‘·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ‘·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ‘·ā€ā™€ļø This is an archive of the 2023 RISING festival website šŸ‘·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ‘·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ‘·ā€ā™€ļø

Access and inclusion

Empowerment, collaboration, generosity and inclusion are part of RISINGā€™s DNA. We are committed to making our festival accessible and championing change in the arts and disability space through our approach to access.

We define Access as removing and/or reducing barriers to participation for deaf, disabled and neurodivergent folk by creating processes where everyone (no matter their age, ability, gender identity, sexuality, or cultural background) can engage meaningfully within our festival program if they wish to.

RISING is committed to the social model of disability, where barriers to participating in society and the arts are the focus rather than the medical conditions of our audience, artists and festival community. We work towards universal access in our design and believe that access is an important step towards feeling included.


We will be offering several access and assistive services for different program items. More information and services will be added as we get closer to the festival.

Companion Cards

Companion Card holders are entitled to free companion ticket to RISING events, experiences and performances. You can call us to book your tickets on 03 9662 4242, or email us at ticketing@rising.melbourne. You can also buy two tickets and call or email us for a refund of your companion card ticket. Alternatively, you can talk to us via our live chat during the festival or present your card to our box office team on arrival. View more information on Companion Cards.

National Relay Service

If you are deaf and/or find it hard hearing or speaking with people who use a phone, the National Relay Service (NRS) can help you.

A call through the NRS lets you communicate with a hearing person who is using a phone even if you can't hear or don't use your voice.

The NRS has specially trained staff called Relay Officers who help with every call.

Depending on the type of call, a Relay Officer will change voice to text or text to voice. They can also change AUSLAN to English or English to AUSLAN.

Voice Relay number | 1300 555 727

TTY number | 133 677

SMS relay number | 0423 677 767

Experience filters

We have included "experience" tags on our program listings to help clarify what to expect when you get there. You can filter for these on the festival program grid and digital schedule. They are:

  • SittingĀ Ā  Sitting | the event takes place in a seated venue
  • StandingĀ Ā  Standing | a mostly standing room event. Limited seating available
  • DancingĀ Ā  Dancing | time for a boogie
  • ImmersiveĀ Ā  Immersive | a rich, sensory and/or immersive experience
  • Mass ParticipationĀ Ā  Mass Participation | an event where you can join the action
  • FoodĀ Ā  Food | food vendors are at this location
  • BeverageĀ Ā  Beverage | bars are at this location (with alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks)


We recognise that making everyone feel truly welcomed by RISING is an ongoing process. We wonā€™t get everything right 100% of the time. So we invite constructive criticism and don't shy away from challenging the status quo. We're prepared to rip things up and start again.

If you have a moment to share your experiences, please reach out and let us know what we got right or what needs our attention so we can continue to build towards the most inclusive festival we can collectively conceive.

You can reach us on email: feedback@rising.melbourne

Or via mail at PO Box 10, Flinders Lane, Victoria 8009.

Weā€™ll do our best to respond in writing within 48 business hours.

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